Making an appointment for dental clinic

I would like to share a short story about my life in Thai.

For the first time in 3 years of living in Thailand, finally, I made an appointment for the dental clinic by myself and went to check my teeth and furthermore one week later, I changed the time and date for my 2nd visit too.

To many people, it can be nothing but It was a very big improvement for me. Last 3 years, I tried to learn Thai but somehow learning Thai was not like my other languages- I was so fed up and almost gave up Until my husband found ‘Amazing talker’ and ‘Kru Prae’ for me.

I would like to appreciate her enormous amount of teaching material, punctuality of her, and most of all, her patience with me. Still, not enough and I have to study more but I can see the progress every day after joining her lesson.

Hope you also don't give up on your new language and find help from a proper teacher with an organized schedule not studying alone with YouTube (like me). Thank you and สู้สู้นะค่ะ


Enseñar a escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir el idioma tailandés.
17 €
/ 50 min
4 €
/ prueba
inglésC1 Intermedio Avanzado
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Enseñar a escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir el idioma tailandés.
inglésC1 Intermedio Avanzado
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Graduado directamente del Departamento de Lengua Tailandesa Las clases son amigables y se enseñan de acuerdo a las necesidades de los alumnos💜 Enseñe a los estudiantes en todos los niveles, desde principiante hasta avanzado en todas las habilidades (escuchar, hablar, leer, escribir). Las lecciones en el curso se ajustan para satisfacer al máximo los intereses de los estudiantes. Ayudar a los estudiantes a divertirse Ten confianza y comunícate en tailandés como un hablante nativo ✨
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