Learning Thai for Work

I have been learning Thai for work purposes and of course, picking the right teacher was extremely important for me. I decided to try out my first trial lesson with Khun Prae and I enjoyed it. So, I signed up with Khun Prae immediately for 10 classes.

It started off with me feeling a bit awkward in class because I dont speak any Thai at all but she teaches her class with a pleasant smile and I will be given a note to revise and keep practicing after each class.

Call it the law of attraction or just coincidence, but for some reason, I started receiving inquiries from past associates in Thailand who require my assistance here in Malaysia. I spoke some Thai during the meeting and stumbled on some words but the team very quickly felt more comfortable with me as they felt I understand them when they speak and at least, I am trying.

I am only 6 lessons in with Prae at this moment and if this is what 6 lessons can do for me and benefit my company expansion to Thailand. I am forever grateful to my smiley teacher, Khun Prae. Thank you! No words or money can replace the sacrifice and patience a teacher makes for their students.


Enseñar a escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir el idioma tailandés.
17 €
/ 50 min
4 €
/ prueba
inglésC1 Intermedio Avanzado
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Enseñar a escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir el idioma tailandés.
inglésC1 Intermedio Avanzado
Traducido por Google
Graduado directamente del Departamento de Lengua Tailandesa Las clases son amigables y se enseñan de acuerdo a las necesidades de los alumnos💜 Enseñe a los estudiantes en todos los niveles, desde principiante hasta avanzado en todas las habilidades (escuchar, hablar, leer, escribir). Las lecciones en el curso se ajustan para satisfacer al máximo los intereses de los estudiantes. Ayudar a los estudiantes a divertirse Ten confianza y comunícate en tailandés como un hablante nativo ✨
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